Kenai Peninsula Boat Launch Facilities

Several launch facilities exist on the Kenai Peninsula that are of interest to recreational boaters. Here is a listing of the various options.

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Alaska Fishing: Prince William Sound, Kenai PeninsulaAlaska's north gulf coast, Kenai Peninsula and the Kodiak / Afognak archipelago

The portion of Region 2 covered on this page is bordered on the north by the Turnagain Arm of Cook Inlet and includes the coastal waters associated with Prince William Sound and the entire Kenai Peninsula. This area hosts some of the best road-accessible fishing in the state, along with perhaps the two most popular salmon rivers in the entire state, the Kenai and the Russian River. This is also a popular jump-off point for saltwater halibut, lingcod, rockfish and salmon fishing out of Valdez, Whittier, Seward, the Deep Creek / Ninilchik area and Homer.

Read more: Kenai Peninsula Fishing


No matter what you love about Alaska; no matter what you do, how you do it or who you are with, it's ultimately tied with where you are. It's all about Place

The beauty of Alaska's Denali National Park and Preserve, on a sunny summer day

Read more: Places