Master River List
Many Alaska river systems have been featured in books, DVDs, and of course, maps. This page contains a comprehensive list of such rivers, together with the resources which discuss them. Many of these references contain only superficial content relating to a given river, such as what kind of fish it contains, or a very general description of the river. If you are collecting all resources available for a particular river, use the KEY below in reference to your river. If you need detailed information, refer only to the river guidebooks listed below. They contain detailed river mileage, gradient, access points, whitewater ratings, and much more.
How to Use This Page
This page contains an alphabetical listing of hundreds of rivers in Alaska, and links them to print, DVD, and map resources that feature these rivers. We've assigned a two-letter code to each resource, and linked them to the product in our store or elsewhere that it can be found. Simply scroll down to find the river you're looking for, and click the codes to be taken to our store, where you can read more about the product, or order it.
Items that are out of production or are unavailable are not linked, however, you may be able to find these items by searching the Internet.
Books Containing Superficial River References (click to order your copy)
AA = Alaska Atlas & Gazetteer (very superficial listing) by Delorme Mapping
AF = Alaska Fishing by Rene Limeres and Gunnar Pedersen
AN = Alaska to Nunavut: The Great Rivers
AP = Alaska Pocket Fishing Guide by Rene Limeres
AR = Alaska Road and Recreation Atlas by Benchmark Maps
PY = Paddling the Yukon River and its Tributaries
RM = Alaska River Maps and Fishing Guide
SA = Southcentral Alaskan Salmon Streams (out of print)
WR = Wild Rivers of Alaska by Sepp Weber (out of print)
DVDs (click to order your copy)
AR = Floating & Fishing Alaska’s Aniak River (includes river map) by the Duke Brothers (out of production)
HR = Floating & Fishing Alaska’s Holitna River (includes river map) by the Duke Brothers (out of production)
NR = Alone Across Alaska by Buck Nelson
RK = Alaska’s Roadside King Salmon Fishing (includes river map) by the Duke Brothers (out of production)
SR = Alaska Hunting Adventure 700 Miles Alone by Buck Nelson
TR = Alaska’s Talachulitna King Salmon Float Trip (includes river map) by the Duke Brothers (out of production)
River Guides Containing Detailed Information
AW = Alaska Whitewater; A Guide to Rivers & Creeks in the Last Frontier
CT = The Kenai Canoe Trails by Kevin Quick (out of print)
FA = Floating Alaskan Rivers by M. Carter (out of print)
FC = Fast & Cold, a Guide to Alaska's Whitewater by Andrew Embick
FH = Float Hunting Alaska’s Wild Rivers by Michael Strahan
FK = Fishing Alaska’s Kenai River by Gunnar Pedersen (out of print)
HA = The Highway Angler by Gunnar Pedersen
KP = Fishing Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula by Dave Atcheson
KY = Kings of the Yukon by Adam Weymouth
PG = Alaska Paddling Guide by Jack Mosby and David Dapkus (out of print)
RA = Alaska Roadside Angler’s Guide by Gunnar Pedersen (out of print)
RG = Alaska River Guide by Karen Jettmar
RL = Alaska River Logs (free downloads) by the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
Maps (click to order your copy)
KE = Kenai River- Skilak Lake to Cook Inlet
TA = Tatshenshini-Alsek River Map
507 Alaska Rivers, Creeks, and Canoe Trail Systems in print and on DVD
4th Of July Creek (Chulitna): RKA