Advertising in our Directory

The core of Outdoors Directory is our Directory of Alaska outdoor businesses. Our site caters to people seeking information about the Alaska outdoors, and many of our visitors come to our site specifically to find a business like yours. As a business owner you know how critical it is that customers find you. Because Outdoors Directory has such a strong market presence, a listing in our directory is a critical first step in being found by potential customers.

Free Listings

We offer free listings in our Directory for businesses that provide goods or services related to the Alaska outdoors. The following is an example of a free Directory listing. Note that we provide your business name, address and contact information; phone, fax, email and web address. Note that the web address is not hyperlinked to allow readers to click and go to your site. If you need a live link to your website or to your email address, you need a premium listing in our Directory.

Here is an example of a free directory listing:




free directory listing on outdoors directory website



To add your free listing to our Directory, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call our office at 1 (907) 229-4501 during regular business hours.

Premium Listings

Premium Listings appear at the top of our Directory and receive thousands of views per year from potential customers. A custom, clickable banner ad from your businesss also appears in your listing. We link your email address so the subject line of an incoming email tells you the inquiry is coming from an Outdoors Directory customer. This allows you to track how much business comes from us. We also link directly to your website. Finally, a premium listing gives you a page on Outdoors Directory, which contains all of your contact information, your address, a complete description of your business, a map showing how to get there (viewable as a line map, a satellite view or a hybrid of both), and several photos. For companies that do not yet have a website, this can be a great first step to an online presence for your business. And for those that do have a web presence, a premium listing on our site can help increase your page rankings!

Here is an example of a premium listing in our directory:




premium directory listing on outdoors directory website




To set up your Premium Listing, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call our office at 1 (907) 229-4501 during regular business hours.